💡 We’ve heard pretty much every question there is about our product multiple times. The most common ones are listed here. If you can’t find what you are looking for, or would like more detail, shoot us an email at [email protected].
- What is a Success Pool?
- Why Join a Pool?
- How can I join?
- How much control do I have over choosing the terms and people?
- When does the pool start?
- How does Prospinity make money?
- What if someone in my pool starts “free-riding”?
- Can people leave the pool once they join?
- What if someone doesn’t honor the agreement?
- What does Prospinity count as “income”?
- Why do I need Prospinity? Can’t a group just do this on their own?
- How do members connect within pools?
- Is this an investment? Is any money being invested?
- How many pools can I join?